Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
By registering with Rentclik you agree to the following terms and conditions:
By registering with Rentclik, it is assumed that you accept the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy and that you are fully responsible for all the activities that are done using your username and password.
You will keep your username and password safe and will not share them with anyone. You will not pass yourself off as someone else or create multiple, false accounts.
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) stored by Rentclik lets us know the specifics of who you are. It may include, but is not limited to, your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, employer, and job title. We request Personally Identifiable Information when you order a product or service, participate in certain promotional activities, fill out surveys, and correspond with us. Unique identifiers (such as membership number or email addresses) are collected from website visitors to verify the user's identity and for use as account numbers in our record system. Financial information (such as their bank account or credit card numbers) is collected and used, where appropriate, to bill a customer for services used.
You can update your personal details by accessing the Account Profile page of your Rentclik account and make any necessary changes. This will update your details across all the services that you are using or will use at Rentclik.
Rentclik will not use or share the Personally Identifiable Information collected on the website in ways not related to the purpose for which you provided the information without providing you with a choice of permitting any such unrelated use. Rentclik does not sell, trade, or rent Personally Identifiable Information, which we collect, to others.
Rentclik seeks to ensure that your information and preferences are accurate and complete. We also ensure that we don't hold personal information for longer than is necessary. If you want to view or change your information, you may do this online where possible. You can also do this by sending an email with your name, full mailing address, email address, and relevant information about subscriptions and registrations you have with us to our customer support team at
We collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) when you ask to receive e-newsletters, promotional emails, and other information. You may opt-out of receiving future emails by sending us an email at
Our primary goal in collecting information is to provide customers with better service and to provide all visitors with a seamless and personalized experience while using our website. If you contact us, we may keep a record of your correspondence and comments. We use this information to help us provide better services in the event that you contact us again.
To use some of our services such as the Shopping Cart and the login process, we use cookies. A cookie is a small data file created by your web browser and stored on your computer's hard drive. Some of the information collected also permits us to analyze traffic patterns on our website. This can enable us to provide you with a better experience on our website over time by improving the content and making it easier to use.
These terms and/or your use of the website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Indian law and the Indian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute which may arise.
Rentclik acknowledges your trust and is committed to protecting the information you provide. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain accuracy, and ensure proper use of information, we employ physical, electronic, and managerial processes to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. Our site has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. These include, but are not limited to, a secured database containing personal data. The database is located off the main web server and is not accessible directly. While we will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard your personal data, you acknowledge that the use of the Internet is not entirely secure and for this reason, we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal data in transit from you or to you via the Internet.
If you breach these or any of our other terms and conditions we reserve the right to close your account, if we do so, we may close all the accounts that you have opened in your name.